Copy And Paste Symbols

Equal To Symbol

An equal to symbol is a collection of text symbols, sign and Unicode character including different types of equal to symbol like superscript equals sign, subscript equals sign, small equals sign and more. Click on any equal to symbol to copy and paste anywhere you want.

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Copy And Paste Equal To Symbol With Dec Code, Hex Code & Unicode

An equal to symbol is a text symbol that can easily copy and paste into any social media, website, and emails. The following table shows the name and meaning of the equal to symbol along with the HTML code (hexadecimal and decimal) and Unicode.

Equal To SymbolSymbol NameDec CodeHex CodeUnicode
= Equals Sign = = U+003D
Superscript Equals Sign ⁼ ⁼ U+207C
Subscript Equals Sign ₌ ₌ U+208C
Modifier Letter Short Equals Sign ꞊ ꞊ U+A78A
Small Equals Sign ﹦ ﹦ U+FE66
Fullwidth Equals Sign = = U+FF1D
Asymptotically Equal To ≃ ≃ U+2243
Not Asymptotically Equal To ≄ ≄ U+2244
Approximately Equal To ≅ ≅ U+2245
Approximately But Not Actually Equal To ≆ ≆ U+2246
Neither Approximately Nor Actually Equal To ≇ ≇ U+2247
Almost Equal To ≈ ≈ U+2248
Not Almost Equal To ≉ ≉ U+2249
Almost Equal or Equal To ≊ ≊ U+224A
All Equal To ≌ ≌ U+224C
Geometrically Equal To ≑ ≑ U+2251
Approximately Equal to or the Image Of ≒ ≒ U+2252
Image of or Approximately Equal To ≓ ≓ U+2253
Colon Equals ≔ ≔ U+2254
Equals Colon ≕ ≕ U+2255
Ring In Equal To ≖ ≖ U+2256
Ring Equal To ≗ ≗ U+2257
Star Equals ≛ ≛ U+225B
Delta Equal To ≜ ≜ U+225C
Equal to By Definition ≝ ≝ U+225D
Questioned Equal To ≟ ≟ U+225F
Not Equal To ≠ ≠ U+2260
Less-Than or Equal To ≤ ≤ U+2264
Greater-Than or Equal To ≥ ≥ U+2265
Less-Than Over Equal To ≦ ≦ U+2266
Greater-Than Over Equal To ≧ ≧ U+2267
Less-Than But Not Equal To ≨ ≨ U+2268
Greater-Than But Not Equal To ≩ ≩ U+2269
Neither Less-Than Nor Equal To ≰ ≰ U+2270
Neither Greater-Than Nor Equal To ≱ ≱ U+2271
Precedes or Equal To ≼ ≼ U+227C
Succeeds or Equal To ≽ ≽ U+227D
Subset of or Equal To ⊆ ⊆ U+2286
Superset of or Equal To ⊇ ⊇ U+2287
Neither A Subset of Nor Equal To ⊈ ⊈ U+2288
Neither A Superset of Nor Equal To ⊉ ⊉ U+2289
Subset of with Not Equal To ⊊ ⊊ U+228A
Superset of with Not Equal To ⊋ ⊋ U+228B
Square Image of or Equal To ⊑ ⊑ U+2291
Square Original of or Equal To ⊒ ⊒ U+2292
Circled Equals ⊜ ⊜ U+229C
Normal Subgroup of or Equal To ⊴ ⊴ U+22B4
Contains as Normal Subgroup or Equal To ⊵ ⊵ U+22B5
Reversed Tilde Equals ⋍ ⋍ U+22CD
Equal and Parallel To ⋕ ⋕ U+22D5
Less-Than Equal to or Greater-Than ⋚ ⋚ U+22DA
Greater-Than Equal to or Less-Than ⋛ ⋛ U+22DB
Equal to or Less-Than ⋜ ⋜ U+22DC
Equal to or Greater-Than ⋝ ⋝ U+22DD
Equal to or Precedes ⋞ ⋞ U+22DE
Equal to or Succeeds ⋟ ⋟ U+22DF
Does Not Precede or Equal ⋠ ⋠ U+22E0
Does Not Succeed or Equal ⋡ ⋡ U+22E1
Not Square Image of or Equal To ⋢ ⋢ U+22E2
Not Square Original of or Equal To ⋣ ⋣ U+22E3
Square Image of or Not Equal To ⋤ ⋤ U+22E4
Square Original of or Not Equal To ⋥ ⋥ U+22E5
Not Normal Subgroup of or Equal To ⋬ ⋬ U+22EC
Does Not Contain as Normal Subgroup or Equal ⋭ ⋭ U+22ED
APL Functional Symbol Quad Equal ⌸ ⌸ U+2338
APL Functional Symbol Quad Not Equal ⍯ ⍯ U+236F
Equals Sign Above Rightwards Arrow ⥱ ⥱ U+2971
Rightwards Arrow Above Almost Equal To ⥵ ⥵ U+2975
Equals Sign and Slanted Parallel ⧣ ⧣ U+29E3
Equals Sign and Slanted Parallel with Tilde Above ⧤ ⧤ U+29E4
Equals Sign with Dot Below ⩦ ⩦ U+2A66
Equals with Asterisk ⩮ ⩮ U+2A6E
Almost Equal to with Circumflex Accent ⩯ ⩯ U+2A6F
Approximately Equal or Equal To ⩰ ⩰ U+2A70
Equals Sign Above Plus Sign ⩱ ⩱ U+2A71
Plus Sign Above Equals Sign ⩲ ⩲ U+2A72
Equals Sign Above Tilde Operator ⩳ ⩳ U+2A73
Double Colon Equal ⩴ ⩴ U+2A74
Two Consecutive Equals Signs ⩵ ⩵ U+2A75
Three Consecutive Equals Signs ⩶ ⩶ U+2A76
Equals Sign with Two Dots Above and Two Dots Below ⩷ ⩷ U+2A77
Less-Than or Slanted Equal To ⩽ ⩽ U+2A7D
Greater-Than or Slanted Equal To ⩾ ⩾ U+2A7E
⩿ Less-Than or Slanted Equal to with Dot Inside ⩿ ⩿ U+2A7F
Greater-Than or Slanted Equal to with Dot Inside ⪀ ⪀ U+2A80
Less-Than or Slanted Equal to with Dot Above ⪁ ⪁ U+2A81
Greater-Than or Slanted Equal to with Dot Above ⪂ ⪂ U+2A82
Less-Than or Slanted Equal to with Dot Above Right ⪃ ⪃ U+2A83
Greater-Than or Slanted Equal to with Dot Above Left ⪄ ⪄ U+2A84
Less-Than and Single-Line Not Equal To ⪇ ⪇ U+2A87
Greater-Than and Single-Line Not Equal To ⪈ ⪈ U+2A88
Less-Than Above Double-Line Equal Above Greater-Than ⪋ ⪋ U+2A8B
Greater-Than Above Double-Line Equal Above Less-Than ⪌ ⪌ U+2A8C
Less-Than Above Similar or Equal ⪍ ⪍ U+2A8D
Greater-Than Above Similar or Equal ⪎ ⪎ U+2A8E
Less-Than Above Greater-Than Above Double-Line Equal ⪑ ⪑ U+2A91
Greater-Than Above Less-Than Above Double-Line Equal ⪒ ⪒ U+2A92
Less-Than Above Slanted Equal Above Greater-Than Above Slanted Equal ⪓ ⪓ U+2A93
Greater-Than Above Slanted Equal Above Less-Than Above Slanted Equal ⪔ ⪔ U+2A94
Slanted Equal to or Less-Than ⪕ ⪕ U+2A95
Slanted Equal to or Greater-Than ⪖ ⪖ U+2A96
Slanted Equal to or Less-Than with Dot Inside ⪗ ⪗ U+2A97
Slanted Equal to or Greater-Than with Dot Inside ⪘ ⪘ U+2A98
Double-Line Equal to or Less-Than ⪙ ⪙ U+2A99
Double-Line Equal to or Greater-Than ⪚ ⪚ U+2A9A
Double-Line Slanted Equal to or Less-Than ⪛ ⪛ U+2A9B
Double-Line Slanted Equal to or Greater-Than ⪜ ⪜ U+2A9C
Similar Above Less-Than Above Equals Sign ⪟ ⪟ U+2A9F
Similar Above Greater-Than Above Equals Sign ⪠ ⪠ U+2AA0
Less-Than Closed By Curve Above Slanted Equal ⪨ ⪨ U+2AA8
Greater-Than Closed By Curve Above Slanted Equal ⪩ ⪩ U+2AA9
Smaller Than or Equal To ⪬ ⪬ U+2AAC
Larger Than or Equal To ⪭ ⪭ U+2AAD
Equals Sign with Bumpy Above ⪮ ⪮ U+2AAE
Precedes Above Single-Line Equals Sign ⪯ ⪯ U+2AAF
Succeeds Above Single-Line Equals Sign ⪰ ⪰ U+2AB0
Precedes Above Single-Line Not Equal To ⪱ ⪱ U+2AB1
Succeeds Above Single-Line Not Equal To ⪲ ⪲ U+2AB2
Precedes Above Equals Sign ⪳ ⪳ U+2AB3
Succeeds Above Equals Sign ⪴ ⪴ U+2AB4
Precedes Above Not Equal To ⪵ ⪵ U+2AB5
Succeeds Above Not Equal To ⪶ ⪶ U+2AB6
Precedes Above Almost Equal To ⪷ ⪷ U+2AB7
Succeeds Above Almost Equal To ⪸ ⪸ U+2AB8
Precedes Above Not Almost Equal To ⪹ ⪹ U+2AB9
Succeeds Above Not Almost Equal To ⪺ ⪺ U+2ABA
Subset of or Equal to with Dot Above ⫃ ⫃ U+2AC3
Superset of or Equal to with Dot Above ⫄ ⫄ U+2AC4
Subset of Above Equals Sign ⫅ ⫅ U+2AC5
Superset of Above Equals Sign ⫆ ⫆ U+2AC6
Subset of Above Almost Equal To ⫉ ⫉ U+2AC9
Superset of Above Almost Equal To ⫊ ⫊ U+2ACA
Subset of Above Not Equal To ⫋ ⫋ U+2ACB
Superset of Above Not Equal To ⫌ ⫌ U+2ACC
Closed Subset or Equal To ⫑ ⫑ U+2AD1
Closed Superset or Equal To ⫒ ⫒ U+2AD2
Double-Line Slanted Less-Than or Equal To ⫹ ⫹ U+2AF9
Double-Line Slanted Greater-Than or Equal To ⫺ ⫺ U+2AFA
Equals Sign Above Leftwards Arrow ⭀ ⭀ U+2B40
Leftwards Arrow Above Reverse Almost Equal To ⭂ ⭂ U+2B42
Rightwards Arrow Above Reverse Almost Equal To ⭈ ⭈ U+2B48
Leftwards Arrow Above Almost Equal To ⭊ ⭊ U+2B4A